The United States of America (USA) is a federal republic with 50 states and one federal district. In addition, the United States owns a number of islands and atolls in the Pacific Ocean. The total area of the republic is 9.36 million km, which gives it the right to be considered one of the largest countries in the world, the territory of which passes through almost all climatic zones. The population is about 261.7 million people, about 75% of which falls on the urban population. The official capital is Washington. The official language is English.
The United States of America is located in the center of North America and is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans in the west and east, accordingly. In the north, the republic shares borders with Canada and in the south with Mexico.
The country's landscape is represented by flat, mountainous and hilly terrain. Mount McKinley, which is 6194 meters above sea level, is the highest point in the United States, and the point called Death Valley, which is 86 meters above sea level, is the lowest.
Since the country is located in several climatic zones, the climate in its regions differs significantly from each other.
Most of the country is located in a temperate climate zone, with hot summers and very cold winters. The coldest winter days fall on January. In the south of the country even in winter the sunny weather is preserved and the temperature reaches +20 degrees.